Thursday, July 30, 2015


Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting for a few days. I have been cleaning up my room! Anyway, if you didn't know my favorite animal is a dolphin! They are so cute and friendly. Just a few months ago I went whale watching and I got to see some whales and a lot of dolphins. There were more than 100 dolphins swimming and jumping near or boat! I was literally screaming my head off and people were just staring at me (pretty embarrassing. lol). That is usually how I am. If there is something super cute I just scream my head off and jump for joy! So I decided to show share with you some pretty cool facts and pictures about dolphins!

Fact 1: Dolphins sleep by resting one side of the brain at a time. This allows them to continue rising to the surface for air and to keep an eye open to watch out for predators.

Fact 2: The killer whale, also known as an orca is actually a dolphin. ( I didn't know that! )

Fact 3: Dolphins have acute eyesight both in and out of the water. They have a good sense of touch, but no sense of smell.

Fact 4:Dolphins have 100 teeth!

Fact 5: Dolphins are very kind and helpful. They have been seen carrying for the sick, the elderly,and the ones that have been injured with lots of care.

SO cute!
Synchzronized swimming!

How cute! A dolphin and a seal!

So, that's all I have to share with you today! Tell me in the comments, What is your favorite animal or do also like dolphins? Thanks for checking out my blog!

~ Sarah : )


  1. Aww, this is such a cute post! I really liked the dolphin pun there.
    I used to consider dolphins as my spirit animal until I saw tigers :D
    But dolphins are still really cute and I really enjoy watching dolphin shows.
